ГПиДС: предпоказ в Чикаго В Чикаго прошел тестовый показ первой части 7-го фильма. На нем побывали представители американских новостных ГПшных сайтов и запостили свои отчеты о том, что мы увидим в ГПиДС-1.
Под катом - туча спойлеров, правда, на английском языке. Может, кто-нибудь добрый возьмется это перевести?
Читать дальше о том, кто и как уполз Директор Дэвид Ейтс и продюсеры Дэвид Хеймен и Дэвид Бэррон были на показе. Текущая предварительная версия длится примерно два с половиной часа. Кое-какая графика и CGI еще не готовы. Кое-где были зеленые экраны, краны и другие декорации. В фильме был временный саундтрек, настоящий саундтрек все еще сочиняется. Уникальная, инновационная анимация рассказывает об истории Даров Смерти. Дэвид Бэррон подтвердил, что последним эпизодом фильма будет момент, когда Волдеморт забирает Старшую Палочку из могилы Дамблдора. Композитор для второй части фильма еще не выбран. В эпизоде "Семь Поттеров" Рэдклифф будет меняться, когда камера двигается по комнате. Он будет одет в одежду персонажей, которые превратились в него, и говорить их голосами. Фильм начнется с пресс-конференции министра магии, он обещает волшебникам безопасность и защиту прав и свобод. Из-за этого Дурсли покинут дом, и Гарри останется один с Хедвиг. Хедвиг умрет, вернувшись в сцене погони, чтобы защитить Гарри от Волдеморта. В заставке нет подписи "Часть 1". И Кричер, и Добби появятся в фильме. Будет встреча УпСов, где небритый Люциус Малфой дрожит под взглядом лорда Волдеморта. Будет серия флэшбэков, в которой будет рассказана история хоркруксов и Даров Смерти. Там будут участвовать Дамблдор, Слагхорн и другие. Погоня УпСов будет в том числе на шоссе с автомобилями, Хагрид и Гарри на мотоцикле сделают мертвую петлю вокруг потолка тоннеля. Гермиона накладывает на родителей Obliviate и уходит из дома. Когда она накладывает заклинание, с семейных фотографий исчезают все изображения Гермионы. Гермиону пытает Беллатрикс в Малфой-Мэноре после того, как их захватывают Охотники. Очень графическая и пугающая сцена. Амбридж возвращается как сотрудник нового УпСовского министерства. УпСы расстраивают свадьбу. В Министерстве стоит новая статуя: волшебники, которых поддерживает бесформенная куча магглов. На свадьбе будет и мадам Максим. К расставанию Рона с Гарри и Гермионой ведет вся первая половина фильма, его уход очень драматичен. Министерство магии превращается в пропагандистскую машину, выпуская плакаты, памфлеты и прочую антимаггловскую гадость. Гарри и Гермиона танцуют под песню Ника Кейва "The Children". Очень веселое и теплое возвращение Добби. Смешной диалог с Кричером. УпСы находят Трио после того, как Ксенофилиус говорит "Волдеморт", запрещенное слово. Когда Рон уничтожает хоркрукс, Гарри и Гермиона появляются в виде серебристых фарфоровых фигурок и дразнят Рона. Они очень чувственно целуются, и именно это заставляет Рона уничтожить хоркрукс. Дементоры парят в зале, где Амбридж ведет допросы. В Годриковой Лощине Гарри и Гермиона не нашли памятника Поттерам. Нагини выползает изо рта Батильды. Сражение продолжается в детской комнате на верхнем этаже соседнего дома. В сцене с серебряной ланью Гарри пробивает лед, чтобы добраться до меча. Когда он подбирается ближе, медальон на шее душит его и тащит под лед. Когда Гарри открывает медальон, появляется "Волдеморт-торнадо", обращается к Рону и кидает в него пауков. Хвост выживает после того, как Добби оглушает его, чтобы освободить Рона и Гарри из подвала Малфой-Мэнора. Фильм заканчивается сценой, когда Волдеморт приходит на маленький остров, где расположена гробница Дамблдора, ломает белый мрамор, смотрит в неподвижное лицо Дамблдора и берет его палочку.
Билл Найи великолепен в роли министра Скримджера. Снейп и Волдеморт вместе на экране просто великолепны. Этот момент будет перед убийством Черити Бэбидж. Люциусу Малфою тоже уделили внимание. Происходящее с его семьей будет развито во второй части. Джордж теряет ухо во время сцены с семью Поттерами. Шутка про ухо осталась в фильме. УпС, останавливающий Хогвартс-Экспресс в трейлере, ищет Гарри Поттера. Ему сопротивляется Невилл и другие студенты в поезде. Территория Хогвартса не появляется в фильме до тех пор, пока Волдеморт не приходит в гробницу Дамблдора. Завещание Альбуса Дамблдора срабатывает гораздо быстрее, чем в книге. Гарри на свадьбе не маскируется под кузена Уизли. Гарри чувствует себя ужасно после того, как тетя Мюриэл рассказывает ему неизвестные факты о Дамблдоре. На свадьбе Флер будут Виктор Крам и мадам Максим. Сцена, когда на свадьбе появляется патронус Кингсли, чтобы сказать, что министерство пало, пробирает до костей. У Гарри зеркало Сириуса. Откуда он его взял? Как и в книге, в фильме Гриммолд-Плейс охраняет призрак Дамблдора. Кричер слушается Гарри в фильме, но никакого флэшбэка о том, как Регулус и Кричер добыли медальон, нет. Актер, играющий Мундунгуса, очень хорош и органично смотрится в своей сцене. Молодые Дамблдор и Гриндельвальд появляются вместе на фотографии. Гарри весь фильм пытается понять, что это значит, потому что откуда-то знает лицо Гриндельвальда. В первой части не появляется семья Дамблдора. Посещение Гарри и Гермионой могилы Поттеров очень трогательно. Гермиона создает венок для могилы. История о трех братьях - это "книга в книге", так что в фильме ее решили сделать анимированной. Выбор актера для Ксенофилиуса очень удачен. Пытка Гермионы открывает нам еще одну грань Беллатрикс, которую мы раньше не видели. То, что заставляет ее пытать Гермиону, очень занимательно и интересно. Когда Гермиона приходит в себя, на руке она обнаруживает вырезанное слово "грязнокровка". Смерть Добби очень эмоциональна.
*** Подколка в сторону Сумерек во время чтения "Сказки о трех братьях". Гермиона: "Однажды, давным-давно, три брата решили вместе обойти мир. В сумерках..." Рон: "В полночь. Мама всегда говорила "В полночь". Гермиона гневно смотрит на Рона. Рон тут же замолкает. Рон: "Ладно-ладно, ты права. Сумерки - это хорошо. Сумерки - лучше".
* Director David Yates, and Producers David Heyman and David Barron were in attendance at the screening. * The current running time for this rough cut was about two and a half hours. * Some select graphics and CGI enhancements were not fully complete in this screening. Some moments were only rendering. * Green screens, cranes, and other movie props appeared in places. * The film contained a temporary soundtrack; the full soundtrack is still being composed and recorded. * A unique and innovative animation tells the story of the Deathly Hallows. * David Barron confirmed that the final split for the film will indeed be when Lord Voldemort takes the Elder Wand from Dumbledore's grave. * The crew has not yet finalize their choice of composer for the second part of "Deathly Hallows." * The Seven Potter sequence features Mr. Radcliffe changing, character by character, as the camera pans around the room. He is left in the original clothes of the character, and with their voice. * The film opens on the Minister of Magic speaking to the press, promising the wizarding public safety and protection of their liberties. * This leads into the Dursley's leaving their home, and Harry being left in the empty Privet Drive house with Hedwig. * Hedwig does die, returning to the chase sequence to defend Harry from Voldemort. * The title card did not contain and "Part One" distinction. * Both Kreacher and Dobby do make an appearance in the film. * The Death Eater meeting is featured, an unshaven Lucius Malfoy shakes below Voldemort's gaze. * A series of flashbacks and memories are used to tell both the select back story of the Hallows and Horcruxes. Dumbledore, Slughorn, and more were featured in this telling. * The Death Eater chase ranges from highway action with other cars, featuring Hagrid and Harry on the motorbike doing a loop around the ceiling of a tunnel. * Hermione is shown to obliviate her parents, and make out her way out of the house. When she casts the spell, family photos on the wall are magically wiped of Hermione's presence. * Hermione is tortured by Bellatrix at Malfoy Manor, after they are captured by the Snatchers. Quite graphic and jarring. * Umbridge returns. Part of the new Death Eater Ministry which takes over. * Death Eaters crash the wedding. * A new stone statue in the Ministry is created, wizards behind held up by a twisted jumble of muggles. * Madam Maxine is featured at the wedding as well. * Ron's turn against Harry and Hermione builds throughout the first half, his leaving is very dramatic. * Ministry of Magic is turned into a propaganda factory, with posters, pamphlets, and other anti-Muggle propaganda. * Harry and Hermione dance to Nick Cave's "The Children." * Dobby makes a fun, funny, and heartwarming return. Humorous interaction with Kreacher. * The Trio are found by the Death Eaters when Xeno says "Voldemort," a tabooed word. * When Ron is destroying the Horcrux, Harry and Hermione appear as silver porcelain figures, taunting Ron. The engage in a very sensual kiss, which ignites Ron into destroying the Horcrux. * Dementors float above the courtroom where Umbrdige interviews. * The enchantments Hermione puts around the test when Snatchers come up to their camp. * The memorial to the Potters does not appear when Harry and Hermione go to Godric's Hollow. * Nagini comes from the mouth of Bagshot. The fight crashes into the children's room of the house next door. * In the Silver Doe scene, Harry breaks his way though the ice to retrieve the sword. When he gets close, the locket around his neck chokes him and drags him under the ice. * When Harry opens the locket, a Voldemort Horcrux tornado appears from the locket, speaking to Ron, and unleashing spiders onto the ground before Ron. * Wormtail lives after Dobby stuns him to free Ron and Harry from the cellar of Malfoy Manor. * The film ends with Voldemort going to a small island where Dumbledore's tomb is set; he cracks open the white marble, stares into the blank face of Dumbledore, and takes his wand.
Отчет Магглнета (Emerson Spartz и Eric Scul)
* The film is roughly 2 hours and 30 minutes. * The music used in the screening will not be in the final cut. * Bill Nighy is great as Minister for Magic Rufus Scrimgeour; the film opens with him addressing the media. * Hermione uses a memory charm on her parents at the beginning of the film. The big building we see her walking towards in the trailer is just a church in her neighborhood. * Watching Snape and Voldemort together is amazing on screen. You see them just before Charity Burbage is killed. * Lucius Malfoy's character is paid attention to; what's going on with his family is very well-established leading into Part 2. * George loses an ear during the Seven Potters chase scene and the screenwriter kept the "holey" joke between him and Fred in the film. * The Death Eater who stops the Hogwarts Express in the trailer is looking for Harry Potter. He meets resistance from Neville and other students that are aboard. * The Hogwarts grounds do not appear in the film until Voldemort opens Dumbledore's tomb. * The Last Will and Testament of Albus Dumbledore has a much faster payoff than in the book. * Harry is not disguised as a Weasley cousin at the wedding. * Aunt Muriel makes Harry feel terrible because of what he doesn't know about Dumbledore. * Viktor Krum and Madam Maxime make appearances at Bill and Fleur's wedding. * The scene where Kingsley's patronus arrives at the wedding to announce the Ministry has fallen is chilling. * Harry has Sirius' mirror. How did he get it? * Similar to the book there is a ghostly version of Dumbledore guarding Grimmauld Place. * Kreacher clearly obeys Harry in this film, but there is no flashback showing Regulus and Kreacher obtaining the locket. * The casting of Mundungus Fletcher was well done and his usage is appropriate. * A young Dumbledore and Grindelwald appear together in a photo. Harry is forced to investigate this throughout the course of the film as he recognizes Grindelwald's face from somewhere. * They did not cast Dumbledore's family for Part I. * The locations for the camp scenes while the Trio are on the run are very beautiful and scenic, making them not as dull as would be expected. * Harry and Hermione shippers will get their day during the locket Horcrux scene. * The Godric's Hollow scene where Harry visits his parents grave with Hermione is very moving. Hermione conjures a wreath for the Potters' grave. * The Tale of the Three Brothers is a fictional story within a fictional story in the books. So when dealing with the movie they could have casted it with real characters. Instead they did a very cool animated sequence as Hermione tells the story. * Xenophilius Lovegood is very well cast and says "Voldemort" to alert the Snatchers to the Trio's location. * Hermione's torture really brings out a side of Bellatrix, an aspect of her character that we haven't seen before. What drives her to torture Hermione is both interesting and exciting on film. When Hermione awakens from being tortured she notices the word "mudblood" carved into her arm. * Peter Pettigrew doesn't die; he is stunned by Dobby during the big escape from Malfoy Manor. Luna, Ollivander and Griphook are all captive in the manor with Harry and Ron. * Dobby's death is very emotional. * The film ends with Voldemort opening Dumbledore's tomb and stealing the Elder Wand. We see the scene from the trailer of him shooting magic high into the air and the screen goes black.
Отчет Kyle
First off, this is the most perfect Harry Potter film ever. The movie on a whole is amazing and dark. Everyone was on top of their game. Everything was perfect. Dobby's death was done perfectly. You could see the emotion in Harry and the gang. We saw green screens of course (because the film's digital effects were not yet complete), but it didn't affect me at all. The audience LOVED Dobby. Everyone was clapping when we saw him.
The Ron and Harry fight was so well done. The score sadly was not real - that's the only thing I hated really. Voldemort was in the movie a LOT, but I didn't care - that's what made it so real for me. Him and Snape on screen together was amazing. This IS the movie we have been waiting for.
The Seven Potters scene was so well done. The part I loved the most was the Ministry of Magic scenes. This film will get a hard PG13 rating by far. The Horcrux scene was so well done. All the performances were so well done. I can't wait to see Part Two. Everyone put their heart into this. There is one scene I particularly liked when Harry tried to cheer Hermione up. So cute.
One last thing: The wedding was so great. Kingsley's message was so dark and powerful that you knew things were about to go down.
Отчет Gaby
Because it was a test screening, the movie was unfinished. At different parts, you see the green screen, ropes pulling Harry, animations during action scenes. Even the soundtrack was temporary. But for all of these "imperfections," this film felt very perfect. I don't remember feeling this satisfied with a Harry Potter movie since Chamber of Secrets. By this, I mean that the experience of seeing this movie almost exactly mirrored my experience reading the book all those three years ago.
The opening scene starts out with us looking into the eyes of the new Minister of Magic. We segue into seeing Harry, Ron and Hermione in each of their homes. The Dursleys hastily pack up their possessions to leave 4 Privet Dr. Hermione erases herself from her parents' memory. I found it very unsettling as we watch her disappear from all her family pictures.
The next scene is Voldemort's meeting with his Death Eaters. I'm unsure if it's just me, but I've never seen Voldemort talk so much. The movie progresses just like the book. The scene in which everyone drinks Polyjuice Potion and turns into Harry is very amusing. In contrast, the following scene is wrought with adventure and sadness as we realize which beloved characters that were lost.
As for Harry and Ginny's kiss, I was annoyed how Harry's head was blocking it most of the time. Also, it was nice to finally meet Bill Weasley! His and Fleur's wedding was a lovely event, until it was attacked. Now that Harry, Hermione, and Ron have gone on their own, you begin to understand just how dangerous it really is for them. The disguised visit to the Ministry of Magic was full of tension. I could not help but feel nervous for the trio. After successfully stealing the locket from Dolores Umbridge, the trio is left to camp in the wilderness. The evil power of locket and the stress of their mission weigh down on them. I never saw Ron look so burnt out. While reading the books, I was angry that he could just abandon them. However, seeing it visually made me sympathize with him.
There was a very cute scene added where Harry tries to cheer up a depressed Hermione by dancing with her. Although I don't think it was in the book, it seemed like the audience found it endearing.
The visit to Godric's Hollow was both sad and scary. It was very emotional to see Harry visit his parents' graves. As well, seeing Batty turn into snake was horrifying. It will probably be even scarier in 3D. Another strange scene was when Ron had to destroy the locket Horcrux. Once it was opened, the locket projected visually all his fears. One of these fears was a topless Harry and Hermione kissing passionately. But eventually, Ron destroys it.
A "Twilight" reference was made when Hermione begins to read "The Tale of the Three Brothers." The scene sort of went like this (Not exact words):
Hermione: "One day long ago, three brothers decided to go out traveling the world together. At twilight..."
Ron: "It's midnight. My mum always says midnight."
Hermione gives Ron an angry look. Ron instantly backs off.
Ron: "Oh, no, you're right. Twilight is good. Twilight is better."
I really loved the animation that depicted the tale, while Hermione was narrating. I liked the way it looked, and it helped show everything clearly.
When the trio is captured and taken hostage. You finally get some quality Death Eater scenes. You see Lucius Malfoy's desperation, Draco's struggles with indecision, and the nut case that is Bellatrix Lestrange. Hearing Hermione's screams while Bellatrix tortures her was enough to make me cringe. It was a complete relief when Dobby appeared to save them. Dobby was definitely the audience favorite. When he first appeared on screen, the audience clapped. Actually, they clapped on all the scenes he appeared in. Hence, it was devastating when we realize that Bellatrix had managed to kill Dobby. It only made me cry more when Harry wanted to give him a proper burial. At this point, it's the end, and we see Voldemort break into Dumbledore's tomb and steal the Elder Wand. The last thing we see is Voldemort firing a lightning bolt into the sky with the Elder Wand.
I cannot wait to see this movie again. It's going to be spectacular and even more perfect. To believe that this is just Part 1 is crazy. To just imagine Part 2 is too much because if it is like anything like this (which it probably is), it will be even more perfect.
«In Supernatural Season 6, there had better be a scene where Sam and Dean are having an emotional, brotherly heart-to-heart involving maximum adorableness and heavy use of puppy dog eyes. Then, after they hug out all their anger, Sammy smiles his bloody beautiful smile and pulls Dean’s amulet out of his coat pocket and then Dean puts it THE FUCK back on. And then they rip the tarp off the impala and tell Lisa to gtfo and then Cas suddenly appears and Team Free Will are reunited once more and zoom off in the Metallicar to live out their lives in demon-hunting badassery.»
я серьезно не могу это перевести)))это нужно читать ТАК!
ну ладно...
в6 сезоне Суперов, должна быть сцена, в которой у Дина и Сэма будет такая эмоциональная, братская задушевная сцена с максимальным количеством нежностей и частым использованием "щенячьего" взгляда. После того, как они друг друга наобнимаются всласть и больше не будут злиться друг на друга, Сэмми улыбнется своей охренительно красивой улыбкой и достанет из картмана омулет Дина, который Дин наденет, МАТЬ ЕГО, обратно. Затем они запрыгивают в Импалу и говорят Лизе убираться нахрен и потом внезапно появляется Кас и Team Free Will снова вместе и они отправляются на Металликаре жить своей жизнью демоно-охотящихся засранцев
я посмотрела первую серию "Белого воротничка". LOVE IT! качаю и буду смотреть))напиминает Чака немного, но Мэтт Бомер (a.k.a. Boner) просто неотразим! с юмором, со шпионскими тайнами и загадками, с очаровательным ГГ...короче, я смотрю! пс: Тиффани Эмбер Тиссен помню со времен Бэвэрли Хиллз и там она была стервой. В образе милой жены она мне нравится больше!
Ахахахаха))если кто не видел-смотрите) Snoop Dogg- Oh, Sookie))))))))
читать текстI wanna do bad thing with you I wanna do bad thing with you I wanna do bad thing with you
Verse 1 whats up sookie it’s Snoop Dogg I am only [...]for a date come close baby i am a Doggy don’t bit wuff wuff
Hook: Oh sookie Let me get in your head Oh sookie we can leg in the bed oh sookie choose a player like me, do it in the daytime with the D-O-GG Oh sookie Can i take you over here Oh sookie You ever been in L.A. Oh sookie Come on play on my team, we will do it in the daytime [...] Oh sookie
Verse 2: Take this marry jay cookie and raw with the Dogg, empires can’t hook me You are a band tan You need a ban pill oh real done one, you might get ripped yellow cars thinks fly so hap in my jeep [..] you might get wicked choose bigger lose big i am on wall with spice [...] and you say more blunts
Hook: Oh sookie Let me get in your head Oh sookie we can leg in the bed oh sookie choose a player like me, do it in the daytime with the D-O-GG Oh sookie Can i take you over here Oh sookie You ever been in L.A. Oh sookie Come on play on my team, we will do it in the daytime [...] Oh sookie
Verse 3 Leave a stain on your brain can a Dogg fall in love [...] and make your drink good Stookie straight out [...]
Hook: Oh sookie Let me get in your head Oh sookie we can leg in the bed oh sookie choose a player like me, do it in the daytime with the D-O-GG Oh sookie Can i take you over here Oh sookie You ever been in L.A. Oh sookie Come on play on my team, we will do it in the daytime [...] Oh sookie
Тэйлор Момсен бесит, когда вы надеваете кожаную куртку
Не понятно, то ли Тэйлор Момсен просто раздражает весь мир то ли у нее в заднице застряло здоровое шило. Тэйлор с радостью нападает с упреками и замечаниями на знаменитостей, как только ей дается такой шанс. Похоже, на этот раз досталось Рианне. Тэйлор сильно бесит то, что Рианна приобрела себе кожаную куртку. ВОчевидно, это потому, что Тэйлор первая в истории моды начала носить этот предмет гардероба.
«Люди перестали разграничивать попсу и рок, поэтому грани размыты. Теперь вот и Рианна напялила долбанную кожаную куртку, и это реально бесит» -сказала она журналу.
Только вместо того, чтобы лошить Рианну, лучше бы взяла у нее можный совет, потому что образ двухдолларовой шлюхи перестал быть модный еще в 90-х источник