A Southern Gentleman Prefers Blondes 2.22читать дальшеBlair: [after Gabriel-Poppy fight] Oops.
Chuck: Hmm.
Georgina: Chuck Bass! Have you been saved too?
Chuck: If you needed to mark your territory so badly, Nathaniel, maybe you should just pee on her.
Blair: [to Serena] He fell in love with you while you were roofied. How romantic!
Blair: Rats go underground. Not Waldorfs.
Chuck: [to Blair] I see you're wearing your beret. Who are we spying on tonight? (моя любимая фразочка))))
Georgina: I went to church, found Jesus, and I told him all my sins.
Chuck: it must ne a long talk (не помню точно)
The Grandfather 2.19читать дальшеChuck: Yale, the only thing she wanted more than me. That would be painful.
Serena: Chuck, she's embarrassed, so we've gotta give her time to lick her wounds.
Chuck: Maybe I could lick them for her.
Carter: What is this? Good cop, Bass cop?
The Age of Dissonance 2.18читать дальшеBlair: Everyone's jealous of me, because my life is perfect and you've always been the most jealous of all.
Nelly: People aren't jealous of you, Blair. They hate you.
Serena: You know, I don't know why I ever had a crush on you.
Julian: Serena, I'm gay.
Gossip Girl: Sometimes, the hero finally makes the right choice, but the timing is all wrong.Gone with the will 2.15читать дальшеBlair: (reading the letter) Dear Son, I know I've always been hard on you—
Chuck: True.
Blair: —but my goal was always to prepare you for this day. To help you go from being a boy to a man.
Chuck: An Italian au pere took care of that.
Blair: Chuck, please. Sadly, there is nothing like the passing of a father to aid in this rite of passage for his son. Ultimately I do feel that I did my job and you are prepared for this next chapter of your life. Therefore I am bequeathing to you the majority share of Bass Industries.
Chuck: Surely that's a mistake.
Nate: [on Bart's letter] Aren't you curious what it says?
Chuck: I think I can guess. You're a disappointment of a son; I'd die of embarrassment if I hadn't already; why do you wear so much purpleIn the Realm of the Basses 2.14читать дальшеGossip Girl: One thing about being on the top of the world.. it gives you a long, long way to fall.
Jenny: Okay no. That's not okay.
Eric: Here we go ...School Lies - 1.12читать дальшеVanessa: You're sick!
Chuck: You're welcome!
Serena(to Chuck): Ah. Incest, the universal taboo. One of the, uh, only ones you haven't violated.
Blair: Isn't there someone else you can torture?
Chuck: Probably, but I choose you.
Blair: Hey, let go of me, Bass!
Chuck: Drop your Archibald habit first.
Blair: You know I already have.
Chuck: Really? A kiss does sort of send the wrong signal. Let's not waste time denyingHi, Society 1.10читать дальшеGossip Girl: Spotted - Chuck Bass losing something nobody even knew he had. His heart.
Chuck: You looked hot on Prince Theodore's arm, today.
Blair: Is that what I am to you, just an accessory?
Chuck: Next to him, yes. On me, you'd be so much more.
Blair: Well, I can't be on you, remember? You don't want Nate to find out and I don't want anyone to. You have to learn how to behave yourself first.
Ыыыы ))) Люблю, когда он так ненавязчиво шутит )))
Vanessa: You're sick!
Chuck: You're welcome!
Gossip Girl: Spotted - Chuck Bass losing something nobody even knew he had. His heart.
Помню этот момент. Мне его даже жалко стало...
Мне его даже жалко стало... ...дааа...так обидно было..
Хотя Блэр тоже к Нейту в объятия не прыгнула... Что в общем-то реально радует )
Ну, и конечно, самое начало эпизода, где Чак в такси с Джорджиной. В цитатник!!!
Чак предлагает Джорджине фляжку со спиртным
G: No, thank you. The Lord cannot enter our body solid by alcohol
C: Good. 'cause I like be the one who's doing entering
пс:аватар ахирительный!)я себе завтра тоже наделаю стопку авок новых!))))
пс:пишу запись в днев новую про мое видиние новой серии)))
тоже надо-бы чего-нить начеркать ))
пс:аватар ахирительный!)
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