Что за идиоты думают, что Джейкоб- педофил?!
Why does everyone hate Jacob Black?
I noticed a few people called [Jacob] a pedophile.
More than Anyone--Renesmee Cullen/Jacob Black
"Mm nothing tastes better that baby love." -- Jacob Black: Pedophile esquire.
JACOB BLACK! Cause he's cute and cuddly
I can't believe she made Jacob a pedo!!! Jacob, my Jacob! Seriously, Jacob was a bad ass super sexy awesome force of Native American man! What the hell?
Jacob Black: Love him or Loathe him?
He's an a**hole. I loathe him. And this is coming from a fan of Jacob Black--previously. He's a pedophile, for crying out loud! That's disgusting.
Running at Midnight [Jacob Black]
"Well at least I'm not a fucking pedophile who's in love with a toddler!"
1 мнениеBecause to them, he's just an annoying angsty teenage werewolf in the way of Edward and Bella's relationship. And they don't like that, because they want Bella and Edward to be together...because Ed sparkles and all. They don't stop to look at it from Jacob's point of view, or think of how it would feel if a friend was choosing a fate worse than death for herself.
In Eclipse, Jacob was just determined to fight for her humanity...though her falling in love with him would have been nice too, her humanity was top priority. Sure, he made some mistakes, but people have flaws! Unless of course they're sparkly vampires named Edward.
Personally, I think Jacob is WAY better than Edward. Edward is too controlling, determined to make all of Bella's decisions for her, and he's just no fun. What does he ever do except declare his undying love? Okay, so he made a few jokes, and I will admit, they were funny, but he just seems averse to using his sence of humor.
Jacob is just more fun and more real in general.
Oh, and he's not a pedophile. Imprinting isn't necesarily romantic. Though I do wish Jacob had gone with Leah. In fact, I wish Nessie was never born. Stephenie has said a thousand times that vampires can't have babies.
Team Jacob2 мнениеI haven't finished the book but I have mixed feelings about this. Jacob is/was my favorite character. I really wanted him and Bella together however, I always knew that would not happen. She was destined for edward long before she and Jacob began to have romantic feelings. As for imprinting. They book says it's not voluntary. They don't chose to imprint on someone. Quil, his friend, imprints on a toddler. However, it shows their relationship as really like her faviorite uncle or older brother. He is very protective of her but not romantic with her in any way or form. However, he isn't really interested in other females any longer although he could date if he wanted to. It's simply implied that when Claire (the little girl) grows up she will likely accept Quil and then things will be romantic. Since they (the werewolves) don't age he would be still physically be 16 or 17. This would be the same for Jacob and the little girl he imprinted on. Not all of them imprint on younger girls. In fact these were the only two. The others imprinted on women their own age currently. Other have not imprinted at all.
I wish the author had given Jacob a better ending. He was the hero of the series in my opinion. Even though he was only 16 and made tons of mistakes but I don't understand how people hate him. His main thought was to save Bella's humanity (his childhood friend and the woman he eventually loved) and he was willing to do whatever it took to protect her from Edwards which he saw as evil, even if it cost him his life and even if she didn't love him as much as she did Edward. I thought he was Noble and awesome and conflicted and the most REAL of them all. I understand for those fans of Bella/Edwards Romeo/Juliet type of romance that they feel Jacob to be an interloper. But really I think they misunderstand his character.
I think as an alternative he should have been with Leah, who was in his pack (female werewolf). She loved him. She had been jilted by Sam the alpha in the other pack and understood Jacob and his unrequited love for Bella as she had experienced the same way with Sam. They had a lot in common. Leah was a bit bitter at first, but after awhile she was very cool and quite a warrior. She was a strong woman for Jacob. To me that would been an end more fitting for Jacob. His character deserved that.
However, hopefully the author will explore a relationship with Jacob/Renesme when she is grown and it won't seem so pedophilic - if there is another book. I would be curious to see what happens with them when she is grown.
I never though of it as pedioliphilia and was stunned when people were calling him a pedophile because it was made very very clear in the books there was absolutly no romantic feelings to at this point. I know the whole thing seems weird but somehow in the Twilight world it works out.мнение 3Under no circumstance have I ever even thought 'Jacob' and 'pedophile' in the same sentence intill now. It is clearly explaned in Eclipse, the third book of the Twilight Saga, on page 176, when Jacob is talking to Bella about how his friend Quil imprinted on Claire, who is two:
"I've seen what it's like, through his eyes. There's nothing romantic about it at all, not for Quil, not now." He[Jacob]took a deep breath, frustrated. "It's so hard to describe. It's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like... gravity moves. When you see her, suddenly it's not the earth holding you here anymore. She does. And nothing matters more than her. And you would do anything for her, be anything for her... You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protecter, or a lover, or a friend, or a brother.
"Quil will be the best, kindest big brother any kid ever had. There isn't a toddler on the planet that will be more carefully looked after than that little girl. And then, when she's older and needs a friend, he'll be more understanding, trustworthy, and reliable than anyone else she knows. And then, when she's grown up, they'll be as happy as Emily and Sam." A strange, bitter edge sharpened his tone at the very end, when he spoke of Sam.
"Dosen't Claire get a choice here?" [Bella asked]
"Of course. But why wouldn't she choose him, in the end? He'll be her perfect match. Like he was desighned for her alone."
Obviously, the same rules apply to Jacob and Renesmee. Next time you want to point fingers, get your facts straight.