Fuck you very much
Что за идиоты думают, что Джейкоб- педофил?!

Why does everyone hate Jacob Black?
I noticed a few people called [Jacob] a pedophile.
More than Anyone--Renesmee Cullen/Jacob Black
"Mm nothing tastes better that baby love." -- Jacob Black: Pedophile esquire.
JACOB BLACK! Cause he's cute and cuddly
I can't believe she made Jacob a pedo!!! Jacob, my Jacob! Seriously, Jacob was a bad ass super sexy awesome force of Native American man! What the hell?
Jacob Black: Love him or Loathe him?
He's an a**hole. I loathe him. And this is coming from a fan of Jacob Black--previously. He's a pedophile, for crying out loud! That's disgusting.
Running at Midnight [Jacob Black]
"Well at least I'm not a fucking pedophile who's in love with a toddler!"


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