Fuck you very much
Есть один мульт, который я люблю просто до ужаса) называется Ракетная Мощь (Rocket Power)... Так вот там есть один персонаж, его зовут Тито, он гаваец ^____^)))))и он по ходу мульта часто изрекает гениальности из гавайский сказаний(и Всегда начинает одинаково: "As the ancient Hawaiians used to say...")) ну и вообще он кладезь по части цитат:
У всех есть фотографическая память, просто не у всех пленка заряжена. ("Everybody's got a photographic memory. Some just don't have film." - Tito)
читать дальшеа теперь, "как говорили древние гавайцы":
Cheer up, guys. Like the ancients said, the coconut, though hard and brown, in the spring gives milk to the sand after being kissed by the green water.
Titto: Well, it's like the ancient Hawaiians always say.
Reggie: Oh, not the ancient Hawaiians.
Tito: The most important races are won in the ocean of the soul. Good luck, Reggie.
одна из любимых:
Uncle Tito, like the ancient Hawiian said, some days your brotha' might need your shirt. Dry cleaned, wrinkled, or stained, you gotta give it to them, cause one day, bro, you might need theirs.
А вот и гавайские мудрые мысли:
читать дальшеAloha mai no, aloha aku; o ka huhu ka mea e ola `ole ai.
(When love is given, love should be returned;anger is the thing that gives no life.)
Nana ka maka; ho`olohe ka pepeiao;pa`a ka waha.
(Observe with the eyes; listen with the ears; shut the mouth.)
Me he lau no ke Ko`olau ke aloha.
(Love is like the ends (fingertips) of the Ko`olau breeze.) Love is like a zephyr--gentle and invisible but present nevertheless.
O KE ALOHA KA 'IU (Love is paradise)
Ka lâ i ka Mauliola.(The sun at the source of life.)
Mai ka lâ hiki a ka lâ kau. (From the sun's arrival to the sun's rest.)
Мини разговорник гавайско-английский:
читать дальшеA hui hou Until we meet again
Aloha au iaoe I love you
Aloha auninala Good afternoon
Aloha ahiahi Good evening
Aloha kakahiaka Good morning
Aloha nui loa very much love
pau hana quitting time for work
E 'olu 'olu 'oe Please?
Hana hou Do it again
Pehea 'oe How are you?
Komo Mai Come in
Ao no ho'i What a terrible thing!
Hele mai Come here
Helo aku Go away!
Ka ua You and I
Mele Kalikimaka Merry Christmas!
Hau'oli Makahiki Hou Happy New Year!
Mahalo nui loa Thanks very much
uwe Oops! Oh, no!
Malama pono Take care.
Anniversary La ho'omana'o
Birthday La hanau
Happy Birthday Hau`oli la Hanau
For Eternity No Kau a Kau
My beloved Ku`u Lei
Wedding Male 'ana
Wedding feast 'Aha'aina male
Celebration Ho`olaule`a
Congratulations Ho'omaika'i 'ana
Our Wedding Day Ko maua la male 'ana
Shower Kua ua
Retirement Ho’omaha loa
Sweet Sixteen Momona 'Umi Kumaono
Come celebrate Hele mei hoohiwahiwa
Thank you for
celebrating with us Mahalo nui loa na ho'olaule'a me la kaua
tiful language is one of the things that makes Hawaii so special.
(первый слодбик- слово по гавайски, второй- как бы это слово звучало по английски, третий -перевод):
Aina eye-nah land
Akamai ah-kah-MY smart, wise or shrewd
Ala ah-lah road, or path
Alie ah-LEE-ee Hawaiian chief, king
Aloha ah-low-haw hello, goodbye, love
Hale haw-lay house or building
Hana Ha-nah work
Hana Hou ha-na hoo to do again; repeat
Haole how-lee Caucasian, foreigner
Heiau hey-ee-ow Hawaiian temple, shrine
Hui hoo-ee club, accociation
Hula hoo-lah The story-telling dance of Hawaii
Kahuna kah-HOO-na a priest, or expert in a profession
Kai kigh the sea
Kalua KAH-loo-ah cooking food underground
Kane kah-neh boy or man
Kapu kah-poo forbidden, taboo; keep out
Keiki kay-kee child or children
Kokohe ko-Ko-hey rascal
Kokua koh-koo-ah help
Kona koh-nah leeward side of the island
Kuleana koo-leh-AH-nah concern, responsibility
Kumu KOO-moo teacher
Kupuna koo-POO-nah grandparent
Lanai lah-NIE porch, balcony
Lani LAH-nee sky or heaven
Lei lay-ee necklace of flowers, shells, or feathers
Lua LEW a restroom
Mahalo mah-HA-low Thank you
Makai mah-KIE toward the sun
Malihini Mah-lee-Hee-nee a newcomer, visitor or guest
Mauka MOW-ka toward the mountain
Moana moh-AH-na ocean
Nani nah-nee beautiful, pretty
Nui new-ee big, important, great
Pau pow finish, end, done
Pua poo-ah flower
Wahine vah-hee-neh woman
Wai why or vie fresh water
Wikiwiki Wee-kee-Wee-kee to hurry up; to be very quick
если кому вдруг станет интересно, вот правила фонетики гавайские:
читать дальшеThe Hawaiian alphabet is called Pi’apa Hawai’i. It has only 14 letters and symbols, making it one of the world's shortest alphabets.
There are 5 vowels:
a ~ pronounced ~ ah
e ~ pronounced ~ aye
i ~ pronounced ~ ee
o ~ pronounced ~ oh
u ~ pronounced ~ oo
In addition, the Hawaiian language uses a number of vowel combinations, or dipthongs. Using the vowel sounds listed above, say the two sounds together very quickly so they sound like one syllable. Put a slight emphasis on the first vowel.
Dipthongs: ae, ai, au, ao, ei, eu, oi, ou, iu
There are 7 consonants, named:
he ~ pronounced and written like an English H
ke ~ pronounced and written like an English K
la ~ pronounced and written like an English L
mu ~ pronounced and written like an English M
nu ~ pronounced and written like an English N
pi ~ pronounced and written like an English P
we ~ pronounced like a very soft V , or, a cross between a W and a V
Try pronouncing the "we" now in the word "Hawai'i".
In addition, there are two symbols used that are considered to be a part of the alphabet, and not simply punctuation:
The okina* looks like a backwards apostrophe. It is a glottal stop that seperates vowel sounds.
The kohoka* is a line shown over vowels. It indicates that the vowel should be held longer.
Three Rules for Accenting
Generally, the second to last vowel receives the accent
If the second to last vowel is part of a dipthong (au, ai, etc.) then the dipthong is accented
Long vowels marked with a kohoka (a line over the vowel) are accented
У всех есть фотографическая память, просто не у всех пленка заряжена. ("Everybody's got a photographic memory. Some just don't have film." - Tito)
читать дальшеа теперь, "как говорили древние гавайцы":
Cheer up, guys. Like the ancients said, the coconut, though hard and brown, in the spring gives milk to the sand after being kissed by the green water.
Titto: Well, it's like the ancient Hawaiians always say.
Reggie: Oh, not the ancient Hawaiians.
Tito: The most important races are won in the ocean of the soul. Good luck, Reggie.
одна из любимых:
Uncle Tito, like the ancient Hawiian said, some days your brotha' might need your shirt. Dry cleaned, wrinkled, or stained, you gotta give it to them, cause one day, bro, you might need theirs.
А вот и гавайские мудрые мысли:
читать дальшеAloha mai no, aloha aku; o ka huhu ka mea e ola `ole ai.
(When love is given, love should be returned;anger is the thing that gives no life.)
Nana ka maka; ho`olohe ka pepeiao;pa`a ka waha.
(Observe with the eyes; listen with the ears; shut the mouth.)
Me he lau no ke Ko`olau ke aloha.
(Love is like the ends (fingertips) of the Ko`olau breeze.) Love is like a zephyr--gentle and invisible but present nevertheless.
O KE ALOHA KA 'IU (Love is paradise)
Ka lâ i ka Mauliola.(The sun at the source of life.)
Mai ka lâ hiki a ka lâ kau. (From the sun's arrival to the sun's rest.)
Мини разговорник гавайско-английский:
читать дальшеA hui hou Until we meet again
Aloha au iaoe I love you
Aloha auninala Good afternoon
Aloha ahiahi Good evening
Aloha kakahiaka Good morning
Aloha nui loa very much love
pau hana quitting time for work
E 'olu 'olu 'oe Please?
Hana hou Do it again
Pehea 'oe How are you?
Komo Mai Come in
Ao no ho'i What a terrible thing!
Hele mai Come here
Helo aku Go away!
Ka ua You and I
Mele Kalikimaka Merry Christmas!
Hau'oli Makahiki Hou Happy New Year!
Mahalo nui loa Thanks very much
uwe Oops! Oh, no!
Malama pono Take care.
Anniversary La ho'omana'o
Birthday La hanau
Happy Birthday Hau`oli la Hanau
For Eternity No Kau a Kau
My beloved Ku`u Lei
Wedding Male 'ana
Wedding feast 'Aha'aina male
Celebration Ho`olaule`a
Congratulations Ho'omaika'i 'ana
Our Wedding Day Ko maua la male 'ana
Shower Kua ua
Retirement Ho’omaha loa
Sweet Sixteen Momona 'Umi Kumaono
Come celebrate Hele mei hoohiwahiwa
Thank you for
celebrating with us Mahalo nui loa na ho'olaule'a me la kaua
tiful language is one of the things that makes Hawaii so special.
(первый слодбик- слово по гавайски, второй- как бы это слово звучало по английски, третий -перевод):
Aina eye-nah land
Akamai ah-kah-MY smart, wise or shrewd
Ala ah-lah road, or path
Alie ah-LEE-ee Hawaiian chief, king
Aloha ah-low-haw hello, goodbye, love
Hale haw-lay house or building
Hana Ha-nah work
Hana Hou ha-na hoo to do again; repeat
Haole how-lee Caucasian, foreigner
Heiau hey-ee-ow Hawaiian temple, shrine
Hui hoo-ee club, accociation
Hula hoo-lah The story-telling dance of Hawaii
Kahuna kah-HOO-na a priest, or expert in a profession
Kai kigh the sea
Kalua KAH-loo-ah cooking food underground
Kane kah-neh boy or man
Kapu kah-poo forbidden, taboo; keep out
Keiki kay-kee child or children
Kokohe ko-Ko-hey rascal
Kokua koh-koo-ah help
Kona koh-nah leeward side of the island
Kuleana koo-leh-AH-nah concern, responsibility
Kumu KOO-moo teacher
Kupuna koo-POO-nah grandparent
Lanai lah-NIE porch, balcony
Lani LAH-nee sky or heaven
Lei lay-ee necklace of flowers, shells, or feathers
Lua LEW a restroom
Mahalo mah-HA-low Thank you
Makai mah-KIE toward the sun
Malihini Mah-lee-Hee-nee a newcomer, visitor or guest
Mauka MOW-ka toward the mountain
Moana moh-AH-na ocean
Nani nah-nee beautiful, pretty
Nui new-ee big, important, great
Pau pow finish, end, done
Pua poo-ah flower
Wahine vah-hee-neh woman
Wai why or vie fresh water
Wikiwiki Wee-kee-Wee-kee to hurry up; to be very quick
если кому вдруг станет интересно, вот правила фонетики гавайские:
читать дальшеThe Hawaiian alphabet is called Pi’apa Hawai’i. It has only 14 letters and symbols, making it one of the world's shortest alphabets.
There are 5 vowels:
a ~ pronounced ~ ah
e ~ pronounced ~ aye
i ~ pronounced ~ ee
o ~ pronounced ~ oh
u ~ pronounced ~ oo
In addition, the Hawaiian language uses a number of vowel combinations, or dipthongs. Using the vowel sounds listed above, say the two sounds together very quickly so they sound like one syllable. Put a slight emphasis on the first vowel.
Dipthongs: ae, ai, au, ao, ei, eu, oi, ou, iu
There are 7 consonants, named:
he ~ pronounced and written like an English H
ke ~ pronounced and written like an English K
la ~ pronounced and written like an English L
mu ~ pronounced and written like an English M
nu ~ pronounced and written like an English N
pi ~ pronounced and written like an English P
we ~ pronounced like a very soft V , or, a cross between a W and a V
Try pronouncing the "we" now in the word "Hawai'i".
In addition, there are two symbols used that are considered to be a part of the alphabet, and not simply punctuation:
The okina* looks like a backwards apostrophe. It is a glottal stop that seperates vowel sounds.
The kohoka* is a line shown over vowels. It indicates that the vowel should be held longer.
Three Rules for Accenting
Generally, the second to last vowel receives the accent
If the second to last vowel is part of a dipthong (au, ai, etc.) then the dipthong is accented
Long vowels marked with a kohoka (a line over the vowel) are accented
@темы: Гавайи, уроки гавайского, мой фетиш